
The ostinato.contentfilters app provides you with a easy way to apply a list of filters to content, which is rendered in your templates. The basic functionality is the same as standard django template filters, except that they are appllied as a group. This is handy if you want to apply a whole range of filters to a single piece of content.

We also include a couple of filters for some common use cases.

Writing a Contentfilter

Start by creating a standard django template tag library. In our case we will call this custom_filters.py.

from django import template
register = template.Library()

Now we need to create our filter. For this example we will create a simple filter that will convert the content to uppercase.

from django import template
from ostinato.contentfilters import ContentMod

register = template.Library()

def to_upper(content):
    return content.upper()

ContentMod.register('upper', to_upper)

As you can see you just create a basic function, which takes a single argument, content. You then do some processing on your content, and return the result.

The last thing you need to do is register your modifier with ostinato.contentfilters.ContentMod. The first argument here is the unique name for the filter. The second argument is the function to use.

Using the filters in your templates

Now that you have your content filters registered, you can use them in your templates.

{% load content_filters custom_filters %}
{{ 'some lowercase content'|modify }}

Firstly note that we need to load both template tag libraries for content_filters and custom_filters.

Secondly you will see we just applied a single modify filter to our content. Calling modify without any arguments will run through all registered filters.

You can apply specific filters by passing it as arguments to modify:

{% load content_filters custom_filters %}
{{ 'some lowercase content'|modify:"upper,another_filter" }}

You can also tell it to exclude filters. The following will use all registered filters, except for upper and youtube. Note the exclamation mark at the start of the filter list.

{% load content_filters custom_filters %}
{{ 'some lowercase content'|modify:"!upper,another_filter" }}

Default content filters included with ostinato.contentfilters

  • youtube - Searches for a youtube url in the content, and replaces it with

    the html embed code.

  • snip - Searches for a string, {{{snip}}} in the content, and if found

    it truncates the content at that point.

  • hide_snip - Searches for a string, {{{snip}}} in the content, and if

    found, removes it from the content.